2001 Award Winning House

2011 Award Winning Kitchen

2011 Award Winning Kitchen

Master bedroom before remodel

Master bedroom and bath before remodel

Master bath closet and water closet before remodel

Master vanity before remodel

Enlarged Shower & Vanity Area After Remodel

Her shower before remodel

Shower enlarged after remodel

Another view of the enlarged shower after remodel

Her shower before remodel, second view

Her toilet area before remodeling

Her toilet area with cabinet after remodeling

Her tub before remodeling

Her resurfaced tub after remodel

Her vanity before remodel

Her vanity after remodeling

Vanity after remodel

Vanity with slideouts

Custom cabinetry

Heated towel bar

Closet with slide outs for ease in storage

Shower after remodel

Living area before remodel

Living area after remodeling features a wood stove

Future location of owner's art studio

Addition features a new art studio

Vanity area for her

Vanity area for him after remodel

Soaking tub in master bath

Custom wood cabinets, handmade backsplash tile, Boach appliances

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